The Challenge for the board of the VVE: Supporters and Opponents
As with many sustainability projects, opinions among the residents of Defensie-eiland were divided. Some residents were enthusiastic supporters of charging stations, driven by a desire to make electric driving more accessible. Others, however, had concerns, such as the safety of charging stations in a parking garage or the costs associated with their installation.
A careful approach was needed to involve everyone in the decision-making process and find the right balance between different interests.
Livemobility's Approach
Livemobility began by collecting stories and perspectives from the residents. By listening carefully and taking everyone’s viewpoints seriously, a clear picture was formed of the needs, concerns, and questions within the community.
An important part of the process was presenting factual information about the safety of charging stations in parking garages. Livemobility mapped out extensive documentation and shared it during meetings with the residents. This alleviated concerns and laid a solid foundation for constructive discussions.
Additionally, Livemobility explored the technical feasibility by involving certified parties and helped select the best market offerings. Another key issue was the funding of the installation (ring main and distributor), which not all residents would use. Livemobility proposed an external financing solution, where the costs would be recouped through a surcharge on the charging tariff paid by users. This proposal effectively addressed the final objection to the charging stations.
This gave the residents the confidence that installing charging stations in the parking garage would be safe and responsible investment.
The Result: Support and Action
Thanks to Livemobility's approach, there was increased understanding between supporters and opponents. Through open communication and knowledge sharing, the residents were able to make a well-considered decision together. The result? The charging stations were unanimously approved and have now been successfully installed in the parking garage.
A Success to Be Proud Of
This project on Defensie-eiland demonstrates how important it is to actively involve residents in sustainability projects. Livemobility is proud of the role it played for the VVE in creating support and assisting with decision-making. It’s a great example of how collaboration and trust can lead to sustainable solutions that benefit everyone.
Are you curious about how Livemobility can support your association, neighborhood or organization with similar challenges? Contact us, and let’s work together towards a more sustainable future!
Source photo - Impressie van het Defensie-Eiland in Woerden – Blauwhoed 2018: